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Our aim as a group of Christians in the villages of
Kingsclere, Ashford Hill and Headley is to
Follow Jesus, Love God's Family and Bless Others.
We worship across 3 church buildings and a variety of different worship styles.
We'd love you to join us!

Home: Welcome

What's On?
Join us for our Sunday Services:
9 am Traditional Service at St Mary's, Kingsclere
9.30 am Service in either St Peters, Headley or St Paul's, Ashford Hill with Bubble Church on the 2nd Sunday in the month
10.30 am Contemporary Worship Service in St Mary's, Kingsclere
10 am - 12 noon in Term Time "The Lighthouse" pre-schoolers and their parents/carers in the Kingsmill Room at St Mary's, Kingsclere
10.30 am Morning Worship Service in St Mary's, Kingsclere
2.30-4 pm Community Larder at St Mary's, Kingsclere
10.00-12.00 Saturday Coffee St Mary's, Kingsclere (please check the calendar as one week per month this is held elsewhere)
Upcoming Events and Services
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