Life Events
We are here for you to mark key events in life - to give thanks for the birth of a child, to welcome you into the body of Christ through Baptism, to celebrate your marriage or to commend your loved ones to God at a funeral. Some general information and answers to frequently asked questions are shown below, but please do contact us if you have any questions at all - we are here to help.
Thanksgiving for the birth of a child
As a church family, we too want to celebrate the birth of your child. We
offer a thanksgiving service to everyone who asks. God’s love is
unconditional and we want to welcome everyone no matter where they
live or what they believe. The service celebrates the arrival (or adoption)
of your child, allows the name you have given your child to be publically
acknowledged, and asks for God’s blessing on your child and your family.
Supporting Friends can play an important part in your child’s life and so
during the Thanksgiving service we recognise these supporters – they will
stand with you and your child during the service of thanksgiving. This
service is also ideal for those who would like to thank God for the birth
of the child but leave him/her to make their own decisions about their
faith when they are able.
Baptism marks the beginning of a journey with God which continues for the rest of our lives, and for everyone involved, it is an opportunity to think about our own baptism, what God has done in our lives and a time to re-commit ourselves to being part of Christ’s church. During a baptism service the candidates (or parents and Godparents on behalf of a child) make promises to turn away from their own way of doing things, and to allow God to take charge of every area of their lives. They publicly agree with the Christian belief that God became a human being in Jesus, was crucified and died then rose again. For Christians, Jesus’ life, death and rising again mean that we are able to be forgiven and are given everlasting life. During a Baptism service for a child, Parents and Godparents also promise to pray for the child and by their example help the child to follow Jesus. If you are thinking about Baptism as an adult, or perhaps a confirmation of your faith (if you were baptised as a child yourself) please do contact us, we'd be delighted to discuss it with you.