We Believe...

We believe God, who made all things, wants to connect with you, no matter who you are, where you're from, or what you've done.
We believe Jesus offers everyone the chance to make that connection and to find that God is for you and not against you.
We believe that Jesus' life, death, and resurrection mean that we can be forgiven of all the wrong we've said, thought and done, and that we can come to Him for strength to live a life which is in line with His will.
We believe that when someone starts to trust Jesus and makes Him Lord of their life, then the Holy Spirit comes to live in them and they become part of God's family, the church.
We believe these things because we hear them in God's Word, the Bible
We are learning together what it means to live like this family and our priorities are to follow Jesus, love God's family and bless others. We'd love you to join us on the journey!
We are also here to support our community, in times of difficulty or bereavement. We can offer prayer, practical support and a friendly listening ear. If you would like to speak to someone, please contact us so we can help
As an Anglican church, we are part of the Church of England - a family of Christians around the world. For more information see the Church of England Website