​Each Thursday in St Mary's, Kingsclere we run a Community Larder which is
available for local people who are struggling to provide food or essentials for
themselves or their family. For £3 clients are able to have a bag of groceries
and then a bag of fresh food too. It's open 2.30-4pm each week and is
accessed through the ​main church. Tea and Coffee are available too each week.

The initiative runs purely on donations - we receive
goods from the general public (please bring donations
to the church on Thursday Mornings 11.30-12.30).
We also have some people who make monetary
donations which we then use to buy stock. All our fresh and frozen food is provided by the Community Food Link, a charity based in Basingstoke that collects food that cannot be sold from supermarkets and other food partners. Volunteers then sort it, repack it and deliver to hubs (like ours!) so we can distribute it to those in need. ​If you know of someone who would benefit from coming to the larder please do get them to pop along. There are no questions asked and no proof of entitlement required.
If you would like to volunteer to help at the larder please get in touch: administrator@stmaryskingsclere.co.uk or call the office on 07422 687125.